Dominion Engineering is capable of designing numerous types of geotechnical methods. We specialize in retaining earth and supporting structures with deep foundations. Our specialty geotechnical department can solve your most complicated geotechnical needs with years of design and installation expertise backed by state-of-the-art software.
Landslide Remediation
Permanent Soldier Pile Retaining Walls
Temporary and Permanent Soil Nail Walls
Rock and Soil Tie-Back Anchors
Micropile Foundations
Caisson Foundations
"H", Pipe, Timber and Concrete Pile Foundations
Ground Remediation
Shaft Inspection Assistance
Temporary Support of Excavation Such As:
Drilled/Driven Soldier Pile + Lagging Walls
Tie-Back Soldier Pile Walls
Driven/Anchored/Wale Sheet Pile Walls
Secant Pile Walls
Soldier Pile Walls
Shotcrete & Geo-Mesh Walls
Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls
Our Geotechnical expertise is endless, give us a call to help in remediation any of your geotechnical problems. You may not see our final product, but you can trust they were designed with a solid foundation.
Arch Shoring System: Arch Slurry Wall & Soldier Piles
with Wood/Guide Rail Lagging

Dominion Engineering | A Solid Foundation
You may not be able to see our final work product, but you can trust that they were designed with a solid foundation. We can assist with your most complex geotechnical and structural needs, and provide solutions that make your job easier in the field. Whether you need complex shoring or foundation design or need help with drilled shaft inspections, we can provide the quick assistance you're looking for.
Contact us today for a quote: 814.933.4332 or